Running TurboC on an Android phone

In this post, i am going to tell you how to run TurboC IDE on an Android phone using  AnDOSBox.

Files Required:

1)AnDOSBox.apk : the app for your Android Device.


2) Some data files.



1) Copy the AnDOSBox.apk file and the Turboc++.rar file to your device. Preferably in the /mnt/sdcard.

2)Make sure the “Allow  installation of non -Market applications” option is ticked.(Setting -> Applications ->Unknown Sources).

3) Navigate to the location where you copied the .apk file and install it.

4)Extract the .rar file to any folder. Eg. turboc

5)Open the app.

Something like this is going to come up.

6) Press OK.

7) Now you are at the Command line.You should have something like this.

8)  Type in the following code.

mount k: /mnt/sdcard/turboc    (here turboc is the folder where you extracted the .rar file)


cd tc/bin


9) There you go.
TurboC++ IDE on your Android Device.


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